Eddie Cordova

Eddie Cordova Certified Hypnotherapist purple

Eddie Cordova, CCHt

Origin Hypnosis Method (OHM)

My journey began at a young age with the experience of three light beings coming through my door. They had a message, but I didn't understand what it was at the time. During my twenty's I suffered from the shadows that built up from a life of trauma. I began a practice in meditation to deal with the stress and anxiety that this brought. This time of self reflection soothed the suffering, but left me with questions about who I was and what my purpose was.

If meditation brought questions, the next portion of my journey brought answers. In Julian, California, I experienced a spiritual awakening with the assistance of psychedelics. The experience was one of death and rebirth. I was shown that the earth was conscious ,the symbol of the bagua, and wolves made of light that called me to my purpose, to help people. To be a healer.

I had my mission, but there were still many obstacles in my path about my feelings of unworthiness, feelings that the task was too great, fear of the unknown, worry about what others would say, and a lack of direction as to how to help people. So I denied the call and went back into the path of meditation to attempt to recreate the experience without the use of psychedelics. I soon went through a traumatic car accident and health problems. The possibility of not living through this period was heavy in my heart. I was full of intense fear and anxiety about the unknown. It was then that I learned the most important lesson, Surrender.

When I surrendered, the fear melted away. The world looked magical, the way it really was, like seeing through the eyes of a child. At this moment, I remembered how to reach the state of clarity. It was through surrender that a clear mind and an open heart were possible. The mind is the key, the heart is the portal were the words manifested.

A few weeks after this experience, out of curiosity, I attended a hypnosis workshop. There was one simple suggestion made in the session. That I would do all the things that I had been putting off. From that day on, I began to make great strides on my path, which brought me to a third stage of realization, action. I had the question, the answer. Now it was time to actuate.

I now knew how I could help people. With the amazing power and potential of Hypnotherapy serving as a vehicle to synthesize every modality, I had learned along my path, from Devotional Heart Centered Meditation, Sound healing, to Plant Based Shamanism. The culmination of my work is Origin Hypnosis Method, or O.H.M., the most powerful method of Hypnotherapy/ Future life progression/ Past life regression. With over a decade of experience, I am here to guide you on this path, to bring the light, and illuminate the unknown into a place of hope. Thank you for choosing to have me as part of your journey.

Origin Hypnosis Specialist. Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Reiki Master.

What Clients are saying

Eddie is a gifted guide and intuitive healer through his hypnotherapy medicine. Beautiful energy. I’ve had multiple sessions with him and each time he is able to guide me to a place of new found levels of deep healing, inner wisdom and shifts of empowerment. I am grateful for his work and highly recommend him!
— Phillia Kim Downs
Eddie is a lovely person and a wise and powerful soul. He is helping me work through a lifetime of stuff and his compassionate manner and thoughtful perspective not only make me feel comfortable and safe but like I’m with kindred. The results in 2 sessions have been remarkable and I’m excited to see where it goes from here.
— Brian Messick

The Mystic Self Podcast

Embrace Hope Now

It’s time to reclaim the path to your truth.

Heart Stone Hypnotherapy