Origin Hypnosis Method

To become the one you are meant to be, the mind is the key, the heart is the portal.

The Origin Hypnosis Method O.H.M.

One of the most profound insights that came to me during my journey was also one of the most familiar. After a traumatic car accident and many health problems, I spent a few days in solitude with nature and meditation. On one of these days during meditation, I was intent on understanding the state of psychedelic clarity.

I observed myself with focused attention until it became apparent to me that this state of being would not be deciphered. So I surrendered. It was at this moment that I felt the light of remembrance, a clear mind and an open heart. Surrender the mind and the wisdom of the heart blooms. The words manifested, the mind is the key, the heart is the portal.

The goal at Hypnawolf is to help you reclaim what was lost; the archaic knowledge for the modern era. We’ve developed and specialize in a technique called O.H.M., Origin Hypnosis Method, the most powerful form of Hypnosis/Past Life Regression, to go into a deeper state of trance and access what many call the Akashic Records and others call the collective unconscious. What is found is often profound and sometimes alien or cosmic. The issue is confronted, and a resolution is experienced, repairing the rift in the timeline.

The Origin Hypnosis Method uses three pillars; Future life progression, Past life regression, and Inner child integration;to make you whole again. Our Hypnotherapy sessions are co-created for you, your specific personality, your life events, and your subconscious language. The session is alive, dynamic, and created in real time. Our ethos is centered around the concept that reuniting the heart and mind through somatic therapy is essential for change. We actuate change using the tried-and-true methods of Kappasinian Hypnosis and expanding with modalities such as Ericksonian Hypnosis, Meditation, Shamanism, and Reiki. The mind is key; the heart is the portal.

Future Life Progression

clock future life progression

Manifest a new you

It's been said that we must live in the now. While this can be true, now isn't always the most ideal place, especially if you're stuck or lost. One of the wonderful things that makes us human is the ability to conceptualize the future, to make plans, and to dream. When we’re going through a difficult time in our lives, the future can be bleak; a place of danger, fear, and uncertainty. The future is where hope lives, a place of growth, novelty, and love. With an outlook of fear, we’re left unable to move forward into the realm of possibility.

With future Life progression, we visit this future of hope. We envision and manifest who we’ve always known ourselves to truly be. We step into this identity, take hold of this light, and bring it back in order to illuminate and positively manifest the path ahead. Make the unknown a place of hope.

Past Life Regression

cosmic butterfly past life regression

Individuate the Timelines

Oftentimes there are wounds, questions, purposes, so great that they remain imprinted across the souls ancestral timeline. Since there is many time pain associated with these events they remain secluded to the current iteration of the soul. Manifesting in unexplained fears, relationship problems, searching, a feeling of wanting to do something greater to help humanity, or a feeling of having a purpose, but not remembering what it is.

At Hypnawolf we developed and specialize in a technique called O.H.M., Origin Hypnosis Method, the most powerful form of Past Life Regression, to go into a deeper state of trance and access what many call the Akashic Records and others call the collective unconscious. What is found is often profound and sometimes alien or cosmic. The issue is confronted, a resolution is experienced, repairing the rift in the timeline.

Inner Child Integration

child at lake inner child integration

Through the eyes of a child

The intention of inner child work is to seek out the traumatic source of our suffering in this lifetime, see it from a safe perspective, heal the wound, save the child, and integrate what was forgotten. Many times, modern psychology starts with inner child work, but this can open up wounds and cause a person to form an identity around them that is based on disempowerment. If attempted when a person isn't ready, they can place current trauma into the past.

In Origin Hypnosis, much like the spiritual path, we address inner child integration as the final step in the path to empowerment and self-mastery. We visit traumatic events as our empowered self, not to look for reasons to remain broken but to give our past and present selves a reason as to why we cannot be broken.