Alien Abduction Regression Therapy

There can be the knowledge of all the stars in the sky, and then there is the void.

owl alien abduction regression therapy

The Phenomenon is not what it seems.

On the spiritual path, we encounter many wondrous and unexplained experiences such as synchronicity, out of body experiences, and precognitive/lucid dreams. One of these experiences is encounters with otherworldly beings. They've been described and are experienced as aliens, angels, demons, archetypes, and interdimensional beings. Their presence can be exalting or destructive to the mind. Often, the experiencer is sent on a search that can leave them feeling tired, lost, or in a loop of sorts and unable to enjoy life.

Whatever your experience may be, Origin Hypnosis can help you recover and integrate your experience of missing time/contact/abduction to help you heal, remember your purpose, and continue on your path of spiritual growth.