Past Life Regression
Life is a journey that spans over lifetimes. Know who you were to know who you are and where you are going.

Individuate the Timelines
Oftentimes, there are wounds, questions, and purposes, so great that they remain imprinted across the soul's ancestral timeline. Since there is much pain associated with these events, they remain secluded from the current iteration of the soul. Manifesting in unexplained fears, relationship problems, searching, a feeling of wanting to do something greater to help humanity, or a feeling of having a purpose but not remembering what it is.
At Hypnawolf, we developed and specialize in a technique called O.H.M., Origin Hypnosis Method, the most powerful form of Past Life Regression, to go into a deeper state of trance and access what many call the Akashic Records and others call the collective unconscious. What is found is often profound and sometimes alien or cosmic. The issue is confronted, and a resolution is experienced, repairing the rift in the timeline.