Hypnawolf Hypnotherapy butterfly

Be the one you were meant to become

Realize your true self with Origin Hypnosis

Do you feel a sense of unease deep within you? The feeling that what you're doing now isn't what you're meant to do. Maybe you've experienced a transformative event, a trauma, loss, or a difficult relationship that has awakened something within you.

You want to make a meaningful contribution and lead a life of purpose. But, you are having trouble dealing with the life you have and envisioning the life you want.

Having worked as a Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master, for many years, I’ve discovered that the barrier to realizing one true self is always fear. Fear from your past. Fear of changing. Fear of becoming. These fears can cloud your vision and hinder your growth.

If you can learn how to surrender your fears, you can transcend them and blossom into something extraordinary.

Using a methodology I call Origin Hypnosis, I help people cultivate a new mental image of themselves—one that reveals their essence and allows them to embrace their true path. Through this process, you can break free from the limitations imposed by fear, and step into the person you were always meant to become.

Origin Hypnosis

Origin Hypnosis Method

hands with flower future life progression

See your life with new eyes. The vision of who you want to become may be clouded. Using hypnosis we make it clear.

Future Life Progression

  • Glimpse the future you

  • Build state-dependent anchors

  • Speak to your fear

  • Connect with your gifts

  • Transmute your shadows

woman on lake past life regression

Discover who you are and remember what you’ve forgotten. Go into the deepest archives of your mind and reconnect with your soul’s purpose.

Past Life Regression

  • Descend to your deepest state

  • Past healing

  • Forgotten symbols and anchors

  • Origin discovery

  • Soul retrieval and reintegration

child at lake inner child integration

Remove the wounds and stories that are holding you back so you can blossom into the true self you were meant to become.

Inner Child Integration

  • Find the events that need healing

  • Save the child as your future self

  • Reintegrate your child to see the world again with magic, hope, and love

  • Dream Therapy

What Clients are saying

I had never done past life regression hypnotherapy before, let alone hypnotherapy. I didn’t know what to expect but I went in with an open heart. Eddie guided me into a meditative state that I had never experienced before.
— Irene Diaz
Eddie is a patient listener who creates space where you can explore your current challenges, and look at them from new perspectives. These solutions are facilitated by him and co-developed with you therefore tailored to your individual needs in your specific situation.
— Ryan Goodchild
Eddie Cordova Certified Hypnotherapist Light

Eddie Cordova, CCHt

Origin Hypnosis Specialist.

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Reiki Master.

Hello, and thank you for taking an interest in Hypnotherapy with me. My journey started at a young age when I had a conscious experience with light beings. This experience sparked a lifelong interest in me for the mysteries of life and my Mayan ancestry. I began a practice in meditation in 2012 which culminated in an awakening experience in 2018. From then I began a new direction in my journey, to find and help those seeking to reconnect to their healing inner light and mother earth.

Embrace Hope Now

It’s time to reclaim the path to your truth.
